
Montserrat Armengou

Journalist and documentary director. She has been working since 1985 in Televisió de Catalunya, where she has been a member of "Actual", "30 minutes" or the "Sense Ficció" teams, which she currently directs. Over the last twenty years she has specialized in investigating the crimes of the Franco regime. Documentaries like "Les foses del silenci", "Avi”, I “Et trauré d’aquí” or "Els internats" have been internationally rewarded. She has participated in seminars and lectures in various universities around the world and also as a master’s teacher in UPF or UAB. In 2017 she was visiting professor at New York University.

Ricard Belis

Director of the "30 minutes" documentary programmes from 1990 to 2008 and director of documentaries at “Sense ficció” for Televisió de Catalunya. Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona. Among his most recognized works are "Operació Nikolai" (1992), "Tortura, més enllà del dolor" (1998), a winner at the Montecarlo Festival, Els nens perduts del franquisme" (2002) and National Journalism Prize, "Ramon Perera,l’home que va salvar Barcelona "(2006) and he was awarded at the New York Festival or the most recent" Avi, et trauré d’aquí "(2013) or "Els internats de la por" (2015).

Sergi Lara

Filmmaker, director of television series and also producer at Televisió de Catalunya. In cinema he has co-directed the film "Fènix 1123" with Joel Joan. He has directed "La Sagrada familia", "Porca miseria", "El Cor de la ciutat" or "La Riera". As a producer, in addition to video clips and advertising spots, he has done all kinds of products, such as documentaries ("Forenses", "Voluntaris", "A ritme d’Estatut"), AND daily or weekly programmes, such as "La nit al dia","El medi ambient","Esport Club" among many others. He has also produced sports broadcasts or music concerts.

Isaac Moreno

He is currently coordinator in the television channel "El 9 TV", where he has been working as editor since 2006. He had previously been editor in the section of Politics and Society in the bi-weekly  “El 9 Nou”  and also coordinator at Ràdio Ona of Torelló. He has directed the documentaries: " Joana. pels camins dels Matxos" in 2014 and "La TPE" in 2015, both released outside contest at the BBVA Mountain Film Festival of Torelló.

Francesc Vilallonga

Born in Sant Feliu de Pallerols in 1968. Doctor in Communication and Professor of Broadcasting grade at the Faculty of Communication of the Ramon Llull University, where he teaches among others the course "Cinema critics". He also manager of the Truffaut Cinema of Girona and member of the Association of Film Critics and Cinematographic Writers of Catalonia and the Film Critics Group of Girona.