Teatre Cirvianum / Cinema El Casal
. General - € 11. With discount - € 9
. Closing Session or NON STOP - € 15. With discount - € 12
. Under 10 years - € 4
. Puppet show (one price) - € 8. With discount - € 6
. With student card (only at the box office). Any session - € 6
· Torelló Mountain Wines. Guided tasting (Teatre Cirvianum) - € 15
· Torelló Mountain Wines. Mostra (Pl. Nova. For sale only in the Mostra) - € 15
· Torelló Mountain Wines. Package: Guided tasting + Mostra - € 23
Tickets with discount
. BBVA customers (maximum 2 tickets per card)
. Members of the Center Excursionista Torelló (only at the box office)
· Esports Aresta - Camp Base clients card (only at the box office)
. They can be used at the Teatre Cirvianum or at the El Casal cinema, indistinctly.
. In no case, if not indicated otherwise, the packs may include the Closing or Non-Stop sessions.